ELISI software was created as part of the Maciej Nisztuk’s doctoral dissertation realised at the Faculty of Architecture of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. ELISi is the implementation of the methodology created as part of the research described in the following seven articles. The publications are arranged in chronological order, corresponding to the stages of the conducted research. A detailed description of the ELISI current version is included in the article A7.

  • A1 – M. Nisztuk, Genetic engineering techniques in the design process, Proceedings of the International Conference of Parametric Design Shapes of Logic 2015, 2016, p. 117 – 128.

The article introduces the use of computational tools in the design process and outlines the main goal of the doctoral dissertation – supporting the design process through the creative use of computing power.

This article is an overview focused on the functionality and usability of selected contemporary approaches for the computational floor plan generation of architectural objects. This article describes current solutions for generative architectural design and focuses on their usability from the point of view of architectural design practice. Recent research papers and prototypes, as well as the most important tools (selected computer-aided design and BIM software) for generative design from the architectural perspective, are described. Furthermore, the survey among active architects regarding the usage of computational tools in professional practice and possible guidelines for the development of such tools are present.

The article outlines the concept for the new Automated Floor Plan Generation application, describes the methodology for the generation of floor plans and software design guidelines.

The article presents the structure and logic of the proposed Automated Floor Plan Generation application. The paper describes the properties of the proposed evolutionary algorithm being the software’ main optimisation mechanics.

The article presents the application of Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms to the problem of Automated Floor Plan Generation. The article covers the extensive description of the representation domain model (architectural canonical guidelines, user design requirements and constraints) and the explanation of proposed approach: problem representation, genetic algorithm operators, and fitness function definition. The research experimental procedures are based on real-world data: the architectural design guidelines being the design constraints and five real-world functional programs introduced and proposed as benchmarks.

The article presents the results of survey research conducted among architects gathering information on their expectations towards the software for the floor plan optimization.

The paper presents the ELISi multi-criteria optimisation application for AFPG based on Multiobjective Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm (MHEA). The research aims to create functional computational design tool for architects, mimicking the workflow of the architectural design process. The article includes an explanation of the proposed approach: problem representation, genetic algorithm operators, fitness functions definitions, post-processing operations, software functionalities and workflow as well as achieved architectural results and outline of future research.